Do you need an expert land transportation lawyer?
Contact our legal department
Logística Codecar has a legal department specialized in the area of land transport, directed by the expert lawyer in the matter, Alejandro Cribeiro de Unamuno.
The matters in which we regularly intervene in this field are the following:
- Claims derived from loss, damage and/or delay in the land transport of national and international merchandise.
- Reports and opinions on contracts and their clauses and conditions of land transport, as well as drafting of land transport contracts.
- Issues related to the legal limitation of liability of the Ground Carrier.
- Claims for the transport of dangerous goods by road.
Documentation of the ground transportation contract.
Road transport insurance. - Claims related to ground transportation of refrigerated goods.
Acquisitions and mergers of land transport companies.
Concessions and authorizations for the transport of goods. -
Sanctions in the field of road freight transport.
Administrative and judicial resources. - Defense before Courts and Arbitration Boards of matters related to land transportation.